Are you thinking you need to clean out your wardrobe? Organizing your closet can be a daunting task! How do you know what to donate, toss or keep? I’ve heard people say to donate anything you haven’t worn for a year, but I think that’s too broad of a statement. When deciding what to keep and what to donate, ask yourself these questions instead:
1. Do I look and feel amazing in it?
Often times we hang onto clothing because we fit into it, but don’t love the cut, style, or fabric. You deserve to feel amazing in everything you wear! Now is a great time to allow yourself to let go of anything that doesn’t make you feel wonderful. You deserve to feel great in your clothes even if you’re hanging out at home.
2. Does it fit well?
So many times we may hold onto clothing that we are going to use when we lose that last 10 lbs. Women especially fluctuate in size during a month. I recommend women keep a few items that are a size larger and a size smaller than they currently wear. But be selective in what you keep and the best use of your valuable closet space. Plan on rewarding yourself with some new outfits once you reach your goal weight!
3. Is it outdated?
There are styles that are timeless and those that are not. Yes, polyester pants might come back, but I hope not! Take a look at your wardrobe and let go of the items that look outdated.
4. Is it a sentimental item?
We hang onto clothing for sentimental reasons or because we wore them at a significant event in our past. You probably won’t be wearing them again, but want to hold onto the memories. Consider taking a picture and then letting the clothing go to someone who really needs it. This will still keep the memory alive, but free up your closet space.
5. Is it worn out or faded?
Even if you have an item that you feel amazing in and you love, it may have served its purpose and needs to go. I know I wear my favorite items over and over and may not realize how it has faded or worn it has become over time. Take a good look at each item in your wardrobe and see if it’s time to replace a few items and let the old ones go.
6. Does it need to be repaired?
You may hold onto items that you think you will repair, sew on that button, or pants you will hem. The reality is that many of us do not have great sewing skills or time to tackle mending. Be realistic with yourself when it comes to mending. Make the repairs, take it to someone who will repair it for you, or let it go
7. Would you buy it again?
We all have clothing we have purchased but find over time that there is something about it we don’t love. Maybe it doesn’t fit as well after washing or the fabric isn’t quite as comfortable as we first thought. These are items we can let go of.
8. Do I have several similar items?
Once you pull everything out of your closet, you may find you have several similar items. You will be able to wean down your wardrobe by eliminating duplicates or multiples.
9. How often do I use it?
This is one of the tough questions because we all have those times that we don’t use often, but might need someday. What if I go back to work in an office and I need professional clothes? What if I have a formal event and I need a gown? I recommend limiting the number of these “what if” items and storing them in a basement or storage area.
10. How expensive was it?
This is a tough one for many. If we know we have shelled out a lot of cash, it’s that much harder to let things go. But the reality is that it doesn’t matter how much we have paid for something. If it’s not useful, or comfortable and we don’t love it, we don’t need the reminder lingering in our closet. Pass it along to someone else to use and enjoy.
Finishing up
Asking yourself these questions will help you clean out your closet. You can determine what to keep and what you can let go of. Gather up your donations and pass them along. There are many charities that welcome these items for people who cannot afford them. For example, women’s shelters need professional clothing for employment interviews.
Once you are done cleaning out your closet, you’ll be able to open up your wardrobe with confidence and love everything you see there. You’ll feel lighter after letting go of what you don’t need or use. You’ll feel good about helping out someone else through your donation. And you will have made room for new clothes to complement what you have!